Klaus Koschorke:
Today, the majority of the world’s Christian population lives in the Global South. Knowledge of their history is therefore indispensable. This textbook offers a compact and vivid overview of the history of Christianity in Asia, Africa and Latin America since 1450, focussing on diversity and interdependence, local actors and global effects. Maps, illustrations and numerous photos as well as continuous references to easily accessible source texts support the reader’s own reading and its use in various forms of academic teaching.
Autor: Klaus Koschorke
374 + XXVI Seiten, open access; auch als e-book erhältlich. Leiden/Boston: Brill 2024, Erscheinungstermin: 14. November 2024
ISBN: 978-90-04-69982-3 (Printversion)
ISBN: 978-90-04-69983-0 (E-Book)
44,00 €
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